Teachings Preservation Project


Teachings Preservation Project

“To preserve, compile and make available the enlightened activities of the great master, H.E. Garchen Rinpoche in a comprehensive and accurate archive that is easily accessible by all.”

About Project

The Mahasiddha Garchen Teachings Preservation Project (MGTPP) endeavors to compile and preserve the vast teachings and activities of H.E. Garchen Rinpoche. This project was started on 26 August 2013 in Singapore with the blessing of Garchen Rinpoche. The project team comprises Garchen Rinpoche’s students from various countries, such as Singapore, Taiwan and the U.S.A.

It was recorded in scriptures that many eons in the past, Lord Jigten Sumgön appeared as a powerful Chakravertin king called Tsib-Kyi Mu-Khyu, who established the sentient beings in his realm on the path of ten virtues. He was the father of a thousand fine princes. Eventually, the king became a monk, attained enlightenment, and became the Buddha known as Tathagata Light of the Nagas. During that time, Mahasiddha Garchen was his youngest son, Thachung.

Later, when Lord Jigten Sumgön appeared in the Noble Land of India as Acharya Nagarjuna, Mahasiddha Garchen was his heart-son, Aryadeva. He was also Milarepa’s heart-son, Rechungpa in the eleventh century.

At the time of Lord Jigten Sumgön (1143-1217), he was Gar Chödingpa, a top disciple. Throughout all his previous lives up until his present life, the great Mahasiddha Gar has engaged in vast activities to benefit sentient beings. The non-English names here are not accentuated but in a similar passage on page 8, they are. E.g. Tathāgata Light of the Nāgas Garchen?

Recognizing the importance of Garchen Rinpoche’s teachings and to follow his great aspiration to benefit all beings, the project’s mission is:

“To preserve, compile and make available the great master,
H.E. Garchen Rinpoche’s enlightened activities in a comprehensive archive that is accurate and easily accessible by all.”

Sarva Mangalam!

Project Founder

Our kind root guru Garchen, presiding master over the hundred buddha families, protector of the world, Wish Granting Jewel Konchog Ngedon Tenpe Nyima Chokyi Sengge Palsangpo Chog Thamche Le Nampar Gyalwe De, dedicated his entire life to fill his heart with the awakening mind of kindness and compassion. With unwavering courage he has engaged in extraordinary []

Garchen Könchog Ngedön Tenpé Nyima

Drikung Kagyu Lineage

A Brief History of Drikung Kagyu Lineage

Biography & Gargon

H.E. Garchen Rinpoche

Long Life Prayer

A Prayer For The Long Life of Glorious Garchen


Gar Quote

  • “The enlightened mind is beyond all paths, there is no more training, it is complete awakening.”

  • “Do not worry about enlightenment; the Buddha is within your mind already, ready to be seen.”

  • “The mind that is free of selfishness and only cares about others is a bodhisattva’s mind, such limitless love is relative bodhicitta”

  • “What we call blessings is actually nothing but love.”

  • “There is only one such thing called “mind,” just as there is only one such thing called “water,” although water manifests in different ways as oceans, rivers, rain, drops, etc. If everyone were to practice OM AH HUNG, their mindfulness would have the same essence without the slightest difference in quality or size.”

  • 上師與弟子


  • 愛,就是三昧耶戒


  • 大手印
